Patriarch Bartholomew signing the tomos of autocephaly of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine

Eastern Orthodox Theologian Warns of Troubling Times

The war in Ukraine has enormous religious implications and is deeply troubling to Eastern Orthodox Catholics in the United States, according to a leading

Russia Blacklists Hundreds of Jehovah’s Witnesses

Russia’s Federal Financial Monitoring Service (Rosfinmonitoring) has relegated more than 200 Jehovah’s Witnesses to its List of ‘Persons Involved in Extremism or Terrorism,’ according

Russian Court Denies Appeal by Dennis Christensen

Russian Court Denies Appeal by Dennis Christensen

The six-year prison term of the Jehovah’s Witness is upheld On May 7, 2019, World Religion News reported on Jehovah's Witness Dennis Christensen's Appeal

Jehovah’s Witness Dennis Christensen Appeal Hearing in Oryol Regional Court Today

Jehovah’s Witness Dennis Christensen Appeal Hearing in Oryol Regional Court Today

Christensen was arrested in Russia in 2017 because of his religious affiliation Dennis Christensen, who was arrested in May 2017 while attending a Jehovah's

The Latest Religious Freedom Report Provides Dire Review

The Latest Religious Freedom Report Provides Dire Review

Oppression isn't just striking Muslims The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom has issued its latest report about religious freedom in the United

Russia Convicts another Jehovah’s Witness

Russia Convicts Another Jehovah’s Witness of Extremism

This is the second conviction in the country Sergei Skrynnikov, a Jehovah's Witness, was found complicit in participating in extremist organizational activities. The April

Russia Deporting to two LDS Volunteers

Russia is Deporting to Two LDS Volunteers for Proselytizing

The LDS members were found guilty of proselytizing. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints said two of its volunteers detained by Russian

Russia Violates Its Laws To Persecute Jehovah’s Witnesses

Russia Confiscates $30.4 Million Property From Jehovah’s Witnesses

The seizure of the administrative building is the latest in a series of confiscations of the religion's properties. Based on official documentation dated March

Dennis Christensen

Jehovah’s Witnesses to Appeal Dennis Christensen’s Guilty Verdict in Russia

After 20 months in pretrial custody, Christensen was sentenced to 6 years' jail time. A Danish Jehovah’s Witness, Dennis Christensen, was sentenced to six

Holocaust Survivors Speak Out Against Anti-Semitism on Third Day of Hanukkah

Holocaust Survivors Speak Out Against Anti-Semitism on Day 3 of Hanukkah

It was the second annual International Holocaust Survivors Night event. Gatherings of Holocaust survivors around the world set out to mark the third night