Russia Continues Crackdown on Buddhist Stupa

Russia Continues Crackdown on Buddhist Stupa

The Enlightenment stupa faces an uncertain future in Russia The Russian Federation is under fire for their treatment of religions within their borders. One

USCIRF Vice Chair Adopts Russian Religious Prisoners

USCIRF Vice Chair is Adopting Jehovah’s Witness and Scientologist Religious Prisoners in Russia

Russia regards non-traditional religious denominations as criminal organizations The Vice-Chair of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), Kristina Arriaga, announced on September

Pope Francis Visiting Baltic States

Pope Francis is Visiting the Baltic States

This is the second visit by the Vatican papacy following end of Soviet rule Pope Francis began his four-day trip to the Baltics last

Mocking Religion May Land Russian Woman in Jail

Mocking Religion May Land Russian Woman in Jail

New draconian Russian laws inhibit free speech Maria Motuznaya, a [tweeit]Russian citizen, has been put on trial on charges of “insulting” religious believers[/tweetit] along

Is The United States Surrendering To Russia Over Religious Freedom?

Is The United States Surrendering To Russia On Religious Freedom?

Secretary Of Defense Mike Pompeo’s Recent Statements Seem Hollow President Trump’s summit with Russia is continuing to have fallout. First, Trump has been accused

Russian Government Criticizes Putin For Treatment Of Jehovah’s Witnesses

Russian Government Criticizes Putin for Treatment of Jehovah’s Witnesses

The Presidential Council For Civil Society and Human Rights Calls Out Religious Discrimination In a surprising move, a branch of the Russian government has

Imprisoned Jehovah Witnesses Wives Beg Putin For Their Release

Wives Beg for Release of Imprisoned Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia

Dozens of Jehovah's Witnesses Have Been Detained in Russia The battle for religious freedom in Russia continues. Wives of sixteen imprisoned Jehovah's Witnesses sent

Naeem Ahmad

Khalifa’s Words of Caution to Save Humanity from Destruction

In this age, we have seen repeatedly wars do not solve anything and cause great harm to both sides. Being a physician, I witness

Russia Violates Its Own Laws to Persecute Jehovah’s Witnesses

Russian Government's persecution of Jehovah's witnesses escalated in lead up to one year anniversary of ban. In a continued act of bitter irony, the

Jehovah’s Witnesses Flee to Finland

Jehovah’s Witnesses Seek Asylum In Finland

Human Rights Watch has sharply criticized Moscow Russian Jehovah's Witnesses’ are being hunted down by the Russian security agency, and the Russian National Guard.[/tweetit]