Sydney diocese no campaign

Sydney Anglican Diocese Donates $1M to No Campaign on Same-Sex Marriage

Both the 'yes' and 'no' sides of the campaign on same-sex marriage are well funded. Archbishop Glenn Davies of Sydney Anglican diocese donated one

Mormon Leader Stands Firm on Stance Against Gay Marriage

The LDS church has received flak for its rigid stance against same-sex marriage. A speech given by Dallin H. Oaks, a top leader of

We've taken God out of everything

Roy Moore Says Shootings Happen Because We Don’t Acknowledge God Enough

The Senate hopeful displayed racism earlier in his career as well Roy Moore, the Senate Candidate from Alabama, gave a speech in August where

Australia gay marriage

Christians are Divided Over Australian Gay Marriage Debate

Opinions vary across different Christian denominations Even as Australia is striding towards finally doing away with archaic laws banning gay marriage[/tweetit] and legally accepting

Christians United Nashville Statement

Thousands of Christian Leaders Denounce Nashville Statement

Its statements are incompatible with the modern age Christian leaders, advocates, theologians and pastors in the thousands have roundly denounced the brutal 'Nashville Statement.’[/tweetit]

Same-Sex Marriage Is a Threat to Religious Freedom

Melbourne Archbishop Denis Hart Say Same-Sex Marriage Is a Threat to Religious Freedom

Only heterosexual marriage can keep the concept of family alive Melbourne Archbishop Denis Hart, has asked Catholics to vote “no” in a survey concerning

What a Solar Eclipse Signifies in Different Religions

The predominant sentiment around the solar eclipse is doom and gloom. Today, August 21, an eclipse will darken the skies above the United States.

Evangelical Pastors Are Showing Their Support for Donald Trump Jr. and Jared Kushner During Russia Probe Investigation

Evangelical leaders launch a coordinated effort to save Kushner from media shaming. Jared Kushner, senior adviser to the White House has found the support

The Latest Company Being Boycotted: Starbucks

Malaysian Muslims are boycotting Starbucks over their pro-LGBT views. Hardline conservative Muslim groups in Indonesia and Malaysia urge their countrymen to boycott Starbucks[/tweetit] after

Christian Author Eugene Peterson Changes His Mind on Same-Sex Marriage

Eugene Peterson has changed his view of the LGBT community Eugene Peterson is renowned worldwide for The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language. As