Ryan Prescott’s A Billion Lies

A Billion Revelations: Ryan Prescott’s A Billion Lies Unmasks The Seedy Workings of Anti-Scientology for Profit

Hate sells. That is the dark message of Ryan Prescott’s new book, A Billion Lies: The Highest Ranks of the Church of Scientology Couldn’t

Scientology Freewinds Maiden Voyage

What is the Freewinds and Why do Scientologists Celebrate its Maiden Voyage on June 6?

According to the Church of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard stipulated that the highest levels of advancement in Scientology should be “delivered in a distraction-free

L. Ron Hubbard in Phoenix

Congratulations to the Church of Scientology on the Anniversary of Dianetics

L. Ron Hubbard founded the Scientology religion in 1952. But the beginning of the movement was actually the publication of Dianetics: The Modern Science

L. Ron Hubbard’s Greatest Gift to the World on His Birthday

This article about the Scientology religion and Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard was originally published on standleague.org and has also been republished on patheos.com.

(Vatican City by @Dough88888 is licensed under CC BY-NC_ND 2.0)

New Book Looks into the Value of Religious Confession

“Religious Confession and Evidential Privilege in the 21st Century” seeks to spark discussion on the preservation of the confidentiality of confession while increasing accountability,

Archbishop Charles Chaput Says the Catholic Church Needs to Avoid Using the Term LGBTQ

Religious News From Around the Web Nov. 2, 2020

Scientology Thoughts on International Religious Freedom Day, A Uighur's Story of Chinese Prison Camps, More Buddhist Temples Demolished in China, Watch Fulton v City

The Yearning for Something More

Recently, I listened to a streaming radio station dedicated to singer-songwriters. Jackson Brown, Bonnie Raitt, James Taylor, Paul Simon, Joni Mitchell -- all artists

If I Were the Devil: The Key to Resolving Religious Conflicts By Wayne Edward Hanson

“If I were the devil,” said newscaster Paul Harvey in a 1965 radio broadcast, “I’d soon have families at war with themselves, churches at

WRN News From the Web: Mosque Shelters Students, Atheists Not Church, US Sanctions China over Uighurs, Rohingyas Denied Education, Dublin’s Covert Church, Iran Suppressing Bahá’ís, SMU Minus Methodist?, African Churches Use Scientology

Wisconsin Students Shelter in Mosque During School Attack About 100 high school students sheltered in a mosque across the street from their Oshkosh West

Documentary Showcase on Scientology Network Draws Back Curtain on World of Child Sex Trafficking by Rebecca Blair

The documentary featured on this week’s Scientology Network Documentary Showcase December 6 at 8 p.m. is Operation Toussaint, a film that reveals the stark