U.S. Supreme Court with decide on a record breaking number of religious cases this year

The Supreme Court is set to take on three religious cases this year instead of the usual one case per year. 2015, as it

Good News Presbyterian

Arizona church sign regulation sparks first amendment battle in Supreme Court

Source: Alliance Defending Freedom The Supreme Court is being asked to intervene in a case taking place in Arizona, where a small church has

Philippines’ Reproductive Health Law Confirmed By Supreme Court

On April 8, the Philippines Supreme Court upheld a reproductive health law that has been at the center of a wide debate and major

U.S. Supreme Court declines case on freedom of religion and same sex marriage

The Supreme Court has ruled that they will not listen to the case of a photography company based in New Mexico that refused to

Hobby Lobby Arguments Against Birth Control Coverage in Obamacare Start in Supreme Court

On Tuesday, March 24, the United States Supreme Court began hearing arguments (both for and against) that relate the newly introduced Affordable Care Act

Greece, NY Supreme Court Case

Could Supreme Court Case Redefine Religion’s Role in Public Situations?

Legal scholars are predicting that a case about to get underway in the United States could become one of the largest freedom of religion