The Puzzle of the Trump Evangelical Vote

The Puzzle of the Trump Evangelical Vote

Some are baffled that Evangelicals are voting for thrice-married, formerly pro-choice Donald Trump. As the race to the Republican and Democratic presidential nominations heats

CAIR Urging Muslims to Vote and Thwart Trump’s Campaign

CAIR is campaigning for one million Muslim voters against Donald Trump. Reema Ahmad, the director of Project Mobilize, a political action nonprofit organization dedicated

Ted Cruz: Wants to “Patrol and Secure” American Muslim Communities

Ted Cruz: Wants to “Patrol and Secure” American Muslim Communities

Ted Cruz wants local law enforcement to "patrol and secure" Muslim neighborhoods in America. After the recent terrorist bombings in Brussels, Republican Presidential candidate

Cruz Favored by Conservative Catholics as a Trump Alternative

Ted Cruz is now gaining support from the Catholic community. Many Americans think that Donald Trump is an unfit presidential candidate. To drum up

Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson Calls Ted Cruz “Godly”

Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson Calls Ted Cruz “Godly”

Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson continues support for Ted Cruz at rally in Louisiana. Phil Robertson, the Duck Dynasty star, has reiterated support for Ted

Do Super Tuesday Results Confirm the Death of the Religious Right Movement?

Do Super Tuesday Results Confirm the Death of the Religious Right Movement?

Super Tuesday Results - What do they say about religious and nonreligious voters Both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton had an eventful Super Tuesday

Watch Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson’s Sermon-Style Rant During Ted Cruz Rally

Phil Robertson preaches about everything from the Ten Commandments to STDs at Ted Cruz’s campaign rally in South Carolina. Phil Robertson, the patriarch of

Scalia’s Funeral Held at Largest North American Catholic Church

Justice Scalia's funeral will be held this weekend and Glenn Beck makes an interesting comment about his death. The Basilica of the National Shrine

Hecklers Attempt Exorcism on Ted Cruz

An exorcism on Ted Cruz in New Hampshire was attempted by two hecklers. Two hecklers armed with a wooden cross and mirrors interrupted a

Is Ted Cruz anti-Semitic and anti-Atheist?

Is Ted Cruz anti-Semitic and anti-Atheist?

Ted Cruz's latest comments have both Jews and atheists alike questioning the Presidential candidate's views on non-Christians. In January, Ted Cruz was asked by