Phil Robertson Ted Cruz

Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty Endorses Ted Cruz; Wants to Stop ‘Evil’ Gay Marriage

Phil Robertson terms gay marriage as "evil" and "wicked" at the Ted Cruz rally in Iowa Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty fame was the

Presidential debate

Your Guide to the Religions of the 7 U.S. Presidential Candidates

What are the religious beliefs of the 7 2016 U.S. Presidential Candidates? Aside from their political goals or platforms, the Republican and Democratic presidential

Who Church Leaders Endorse for the 2016 Election and Why Catholic Leaders Don’t Endorse Anyone

Religious leaders are generally uncomfortable to directly endorse any particular political candidate. Leading up to yesterday's Iowa Caucus, GOP leaders were touring the state

2016 Faith elections

Key Facts Uncovered About Importance of Religion During Election

Even though religion is declining in the U.S., faith still has an important role in the Presidential Election. Studies reveal that the United States

51% of Americans Do Not Want an Atheist President

New Pew Research Center Survey on Faith and the 2016 Presidential Campaign GOP Candidates Seen As Religious – Except for Trump WASHINGTON, D.C. (Jan.

Marco Rubio’s Latest TV Ad Focuses on His Christian Beliefs

Rubio highlights his Christian faith in a new TV commercial campaign. Iowa is one of the most important battlegrounds for every presidential hopeful. And

Donald Trump’s Questionable Relationship with the Bible

A Bible waving Trump raises questions about his true beliefs. Religion has noticeably been one of the focal points of the current GOP presidential

TST Detroit

Satanic Temple Performs Its First Public Ceremony at Michigan State Capitol

The Satanic Temple held it's first state-sanctioned ceremony. The Michigan State Capitol has been the venue of numerous controversies because organizations and religious groups

Daily News gun control

Cover of NY Daily News Criticizes Prayers Offered for Shooting Victims

The newspaper says stricter gun control laws are more important than prayers. No punches were pulled by The New York Daily News in the

What is the Problem with New Atheism?

How New Atheism can be saved from Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris. According to the latest survey by Pew Research Center, the number of