Hollywood Cleanup

Scientology’s Hollywood Cleanup Brightens Streets and Lives

Church of Scientology volunteers bring happiness to the streets of Hollywood. Dirty streets are a common complaint of Hollywood residents and care of the

Eco-conscious panel discussion on sustainable fashion on World Environment Day.

Nashville Church of Scientology and The Way to Happiness Collaborate at Sustainable Fashion Conference

Church of Scientology helping to promote sustainable living on World Environment Day. On June 5, in observation of World Environment Day, The Way to

“FaithLeaks” and the New Deprogrammers

Bigotry has moved from kidnapping and physical assault to flooding the internet and media with vicious lies calculated to destroy the reputation of religions,

Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard’s Birthday Celebrated Internationally

The extraordinary life of L. Ron Hubbard is celebrated each year on his birthday, March 13. Each year, thousands of Scientologists and their guests from some

David Aden Parenting

A Scientologist Weighs in on the Challenges of Being a Parent

Do a Scientologist's beliefs impact their views on raising children? Anyone who has been a parent for more than five minutes knows that it

David Aden Thanksgiving

How One Scientologist Celebrates Thanksgiving

Featured Contributor David Aden describes how the meaning of Thanksgiving changed for him after becoming a Scientologist. People are often curious about the cultures

Church of Scientology Participates in the Parliament of World Religions

Church members shared the Scientology Volunteer Ministers program with those attending the Parliament of the World’s Religions, held October 15-19, 2015, in Salt Lake

Scientology Perspective on Bullying

A Scientology Perspective on Bullying

October is National Bullying Prevention Month. Former NFL player Robert Adams offers his perspective on the problem of bullying. Webster’s defines a bully as

Way To Happiness Flint MI

Flint, Michigan City Council Evaluates Scientology’s ‘Way to Happiness’ to Help City

Flint, Michigan: City Council to look over the Church of Scientology's "The Way to Happiness" as a proposed morality guide to lower crime rates. Faced

Ferguson Way to Happiness

Do You Think a Moral Code Can Restore Peace in Ferguson, MO?

In areas of instability, unrest, crime and violence, one element underlies the visible problems: the decline or absence of morality. Distribution of The Way