The Roberts Court, November 30, 2018. Seated, from left to right: Justices Stephen G. Breyer and Clarence Thomas, Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., and Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Samuel A. Alito. Standing, from left to right: Justices Neil M. Gorsuch, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Brett M. Kavanaugh. Photograph by Fred Schilling, Supreme Court Curator's Office.

The Price of Religious Liberty

Some people have taken religious liberty for granted. After all, it’s protected in the First Amendment, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and legislation

New Survey Says Atheists Know the Most About Religion

New Survey Says Atheists Know the Most About Religion

Jews stand above atheists as having more knowledge about non-Christian religions A survey was conducted by Pew Research Center to measure the knowledge of

Mississippi Schools Cannot Display Religious Items

Latest Win for FFRF: Mississippi Schools Cannot Display Religious Items

It is unconstitutional to endorse religion in a public school. Teachers in Lee County School District were instructed by the school superintendent that they

Were The Founding Fathers Actually Christian?

Were The Founding Fathers Actually Christian?

The Religious Foundation of America Has Been Misunderstood Many political and religious leaders like to remind Americans they are a Christian nation. It is

Trump Passes Law To Strengthen Ties With Evangelicals

Trump’s Religious Freedom is Not A Right

Religious Freedom has been twisted from a constitutional right to subversive discrimination. You will hear the word religious freedom constantly by the Trump Administration.

Kansas elementary Gideon bible giveawy

Kansas School Ends Bible Giveaway over Complaints

The AHA gave legal notice to the school district Herington Elementary School, located in Kansas, has consented to end the school's annual Bible giveaway

Kansas Inmate Files Suit Against State Saying Christianity Was Forced Upon Her

Webber-Dunn alleges violation of the First Amendment Shari Webber-Dunn, an inmate in Topeka Correctional Facility in Kansas, alleged the prison authorities violated her constitutional

Atheist student sues school

Colorado Atheist Student Suing School District for Discrimination

The school authorities followed a strict Christian agenda Cidney Fisk, who graduated from Delta County High School, has accused the school of lowering her

37% of Americans Can’t Name A Right Guaranteed by First Amendment

Civic education is the need of the hour Only 79 percent surveyed thought atheists have the same rights as other American citizens[/tweetit] as per

America a Christian Nation?

Is America a “Christian Nation?”

Our founders purposefully aligned our nation's foundation with the cornerstone of a biblical framework Are we really a "Christian nation," or has that claim