Father’s Day Actually Originated from the United Methodist Church

Father's Day has its origins rooted in tragedy. All present day fathers should thank a United Methodist for the creation of Father's Day. The

Complaint Filed Over Same-Sex Marriage at United Methodist Church in North Carolina

Two ministers defied the UMC ban on same-sex marriage at Charlotte's First United Methodist Church. In 2015, a United States ruling legalized same-sex marriage

New #InTheirOwnWords Interviews: Louis Farrakhan, Minerva G. Carcano, and Koichi Barrish

Continuing our #InTheirOwnWords series, today we have three new archived interviews available with Louis Farrakhan, Minerva G. Carcano, and Koichi Barrish. In this interview

Gay Marriage Debate Continues Splitting United Methodist Church

In a debate that is playing out across nearly every major circuit of Christianity, the United Methodist Church is divided over the topic of