WRN News: Shtetl Market, Married Priests, Communist Reincarnation, Transgender, Vaccine Refusal

Hasidic Jews Find New “Shtetl Market” Shtetl – small Eastern European Jewish villages before the Holocaust – had busy local markets, which Hasidic Jews

Yom Kippur and You: An Interview with Rabbi Ron Li-Paz

For those not raised Jewish, the High Holy Days may seem confusing or strange, something from another time and place. But according to Rabbi

China/Vatican Agreement May Signal Lessening of Religious Tension

The first Catholic Bishop to be consecrated in China since an agreement between China and the Holy See occurred recently in Inner Mongolia.[/tweetit] According

Pope Francis Hosts First Meeting of “Higher Committee of Human Fraternity”

Pope Francis hosted the first meeting of the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity (The Committee) on Sept. 16 at the Vatican. The Committee https://www.forhumanfraternity.org/

The Unknown Catholics of Samos Island

The Short Story The calendars would write “Year 1900” when three French Catholic monks of the African Mission would arrive for the first time

Court Rejects Cardinal Pell’s Appeal of Child Sexual Abuse Conviction

Court Rejects Cardinal Pell’s Appeal of Child Sexual Abuse Conviction

Pell maintains his innocence and may appeal to the High Court of Australia On Wednesday, Cardinal George Pell lost his appeal against his conviction

This Cathedral Installed an Amusement Park Ride So People Could Get A Better View of The Roof

This Cathedral Installed an Amusement Park Ride So People Could Get A Better View of The Roof

UK Cathedral now features a limited-time ride called a Helter-Skelter. A giant indoor fairground slide has been installed in a cathedral in England to

L.A. Mayor and Pope Francis Meet at the Vatican

L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti and Pope Francis Talk Climate and Immigration at the Vatican

Mayor Garcetti and the pope discuss hot button global issues the two are both passionate about. The Mayor of Los Angeles, Eric Garcetti, met

Cardinals Visit a Bangladesh Rohingya Refugee Camp

Cardinals Visit a Bangladesh Rohingya Refugee Camp

They also met with a relief agency, government officials and refugee family members A Rohingya refugee camp in Bangladesh was visited by two cardinals[/tweetit]

Pope Francis Visits Sick Nun

Pope Francis Visits Sick Nun

Sister Maria Mucci has served her entire religious life at Casa Santa Marta Pope Francis's has a much more modest schedule this summer. He