Pope Francis

Pope Francis Creates Vatican Committee to Prevent Child Abuse

Pope Francis has established a Vatican committee to protect children from child abuse, it has been reported. The announcement was made in a statement

Catacombs of Priscilla

The Vatican Unveils Newly Restored Paintings and Causes a Stir

Last week, the Vatican showed the public the first glimpse of its newly restored frescoes, which are situated in the Catacombs of Priscilla. The

Italian magazine claims NSA spied on the Pope, Other Vatican Officials

An Italian magazine is claiming that the US National Security Agency (NSA) had eavesdropped on Vatican phone calls when the successor of Pope Benedict,

Priestly Celibacy

Vatican Could Be Open To A New Policy Regarding Priestly Celibacy

Secretary of State of the Vatican Archbishop Pietro Parolin says Pope Francis should change the Catholic policy on celibacy. Some rather surprising remarks were